Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
How often do we wish to hear the still small voice of calm?
To our soul it is such a soothing balm.
We long for the peace that the word of God can give.
If we hear his voice we truly live.
The noise of everyday living, blocks out God’s holy word.
Deafening cacophony is all that can be heard.
Quiet our mind, close our eyes and hear God speak.
It is the still small voice of calm that we seek.
Be still for a second and that second will be like an eternity.
That eternity can give such certainty.
Go through the earthquake; the wind and fire.
Go deep within one soul and imagine a soothing lyre.
Then reach the point of immeasurable peace.
All noise is abated, all distractions cease.
The crystal clear voice of God can clearly be heard.
Listen to his holy word.
We have reached the Chashmal, the still small voice of calm.
When you leave this holy state, give thanks and read a Psalm.
© Andrew Pell 09/03/09
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