Mark Edgemon has been writing for 30 years. He writes and publishes short stories, articles, poetry and scripts, as well as, produces audio comedy productions for over 700 radio stations nationwide.
Contact Mark through his website, Creator and the Catalyst.
Deep in the heart of every good boy
Is a darkness, lurking to be free
Searching for a craves, maybe two or three
Rising up through
Little girls too
Darkening the light they once knew
What is this prevalent darkness
Which leads so many to the abyss
That brings lives to ruin, to such an end as this
In many the bastard abides
In all their steps, he guides
He is known by one name, pride
Pride has been since the beginning of time
The devil knows it well
It was for this, he was judged and cast into hell
But the war fought in the spirit
Can be seen as well as felt
The victory that’s gained, happens only when, a faithful soul has knelt
So think on this rhyme, when darkness comes
Don’t let the bastard win
For it is his purpose, only to pull, all souls into sin
God has shown what prayer is for
No one needs to know more
Just don’t forget, what pride goes before
Copyright © 2007 Mark Edgemon
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