Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Holy Father....
How my heart weeps for those
Who suffer....
Who die before they live
Who are born impaired and
Suffer contempt from those
Who are whole...
Who are born poor and are
Forsaken by those who have
Who are born of Human Spirit
But die because of Human
Who are born of Animal Spirit
But die of Human Greed..
Who are born into one Religion
Yet persecuted by another out
Of ignorance...
Who suffer imprisonment due
To Injustice...
Who suffer death under the name
Of "sport"...
Who die alone, unwanted, due to age..
Who suffer abuse by their own loved
Holy Father...I pray for each mind to
Think good thoughts...
Each action to do good works..
Each heart to beat with Love!
Peace to the Earth and to the heart of
(c) M. Linda Steffey 1990
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