Andrew PellGod, you gave us so much beauty
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

God, you gave us so much beauty
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

Dear Lord, I look around where I live.
Even in a suburban area I can see your many gifts.
A densely populated area where many people live.
But I wonder how many people start the day with a simple prayer,
At times I feel sad that they do not really care.
I look around and see your beautiful creation.
My prayer today is please help people with this Covid-19 Virus.
Please fill their hearts with love and Kindness.
Many people see this time as hopeless and endless.
Dear Lord reassure them that everything will be okay.
If only they would spend a few minutes everyday to pray.
Sadly they may not know what to say.
People should stop and look at a beautiful flower.
It’s beauty has so much power.
It instantly uplifts us in a Microsecond of time.
Embrace it and see it as God given sign,
That everything will be okay,
Because you walk with us each and everyday.

(c) Andrew Pell 25/04/2020

pink rose

Go on to God’s divine gifts will flow in perfect ways
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