Lance LandallHusbands And Wives
Poetry by Lance Landall
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Husbands And Wives
Poetry by Lance Landall

They have given their life to you — therefore, you owe it to them to respond,
Appropriately, that is, bearing in mind here, that only love can bond.
Yes, as their life-long partner, you have a duty to treat them correctly,
For it’s all about sacrifice, not about expecting, not about ME.

You see, because you are their life-long partner, you’re effectively their life,
Therefore, you will either fill their life with joy or much misery and strife.
But it's terribly cruel and very unfair to cause them pain and despair,
When they could’ve had a lovely spouse, who, for them would truly love and care.

Four very important things to remember, and hey, well before bedtime too,
“I was wrong,” “I’m very sorry,” “Will you please forgive me,” and, “I love you.”
Otherwise your marriage won’t be a happy one, or simply will not last,
And why these four things should always be forthcoming — and hey, I’m meaning fast.

As a very early ballad conveys: “The angry words spoken in haste,
Such a waste of two lives” — and in far too many lives, such words are oft traced.
And that sad ballad continues, “It’s my belief that pride is the chief cause
In the decline in the number of husbands and wives.” Here I'd like to pause.

What exactly is pride? It’s that dreadful self thing, you don’t want to lose face,
You being far more concerned with that little ME, and oh, how oft that’s the case.
Well, friend, you should be bigger than that — after all, marriage is for adults,
It certainly not for the likes of someone who self interest exalts.

The way that you treat your partner — in other words, your husband or your wife —
Not only displays the real you, but also affects your very own life.
Yes, it’s not just their life that you spoil via such, it’s not just them that you hurt,
And this why I would give self the boot, for that way, heartache you will avert.

Oh, how partners need to bury self — otherwise, their marriage will just fail;
Sure it may not actually break up, but a joylessness will prevail.
It's often said that it takes two to tango, and in marriage that’s so true,
However, that should never stop you from doing those things that you should do.

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