Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
I will be a man of Peace in this troubled time we are facing.
Everyday and any opportunity, I will help someone in need.
Whether it be to simply talk or someone that needs a feed.
Be the person that sows the seed.
We need to be Christ like without sermonizing in any way.
Christ fed the hungry and healed the sick.
At this time, people simply need to feel that everything will be okay.
Take things quietly, and to God always pray.
Spread happiness and peace in this Covid- 19 epidemic.
There are so many people isolated and desperate.
You do not need to hold them in your arms to embrace them.
Wear a mask, but still show love and courtesy.
Be a friend, phone them or simply write a letter.
Then they will feel loved and so much better.
Be a person of peace and love, God will do the rest.
(c) Andrew Pell 23/04/2020
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