Mark Edgemon has been writing for 30 years. He writes and publishes short stories, articles, poetry and scripts, as well as, produces audio comedy productions for over 700 radio stations nationwide.
Contact Mark through his website, Creator and the Catalyst.
My words, are but the breath of my inspirer.
The thoughts which trouble my mind
Were given, not conspired through composition.
The purpose as for now, unclear;
Yet driven by palpitating force,
Coursing words and images through my veins,
So with motivation sure, I determine
That I must present myself, my physical being
To the guidance of Greater inspiration;
One which belongs in the Heavens,
As my feet remain rested, firmly planted
In this physical realm; knowing that
Inspiration is only but a reach away
And the union of the Divine
As He creates through his creation,
In and of itself provides the catalyst
For my daily motivation.
Therefore I wait, to fulfill my aspiration,
To commune through collaboration,
Whilst I suffer a discomforting ache;
But oh, it is an exquisite pain
That I gladly endure and would long after,
If the inspiration left and the breath
Of the Creator, removed Himself from me.
The End
Go on to: In The Stillness of the Evening
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