The poetry in this archive are all spiritual and inspirational in nature. The poetry themes are basically Christian and Jewish; however, they may not fit everyone's specific religious doctrine in all areas, but these poems all present a common theme of living a cruelty-free lifestyle, one that expresses unconditional love and compassion for God, and for God's creation: for humans, for animals, and for the environment. Some of the poems also have the submitter's comments and Bible verses.
In presenting these poems, it is our hope that the readers will find the joy and comfort to look beyond our day to day problems to see the glory of God, that we may learn to live together in real peace. And if you shed a tear in the process of reading, remember that tears are just a part of the Lord's shower of blessings that are intended to heal and cleanse the earth.
If you are a writer, and would like to have your poems published, please submit your poetry and/or questions in an email to [email protected].
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