Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Yes, I saw Jesus today, He was walking close beside someone,
And their clothes looked tatty, their hair dishevelled — the kind that some
He was smiling and chatting, and offering them a helping hand,
Taking an interest in them — while for others — His eyes still scanned.
Yes, I saw my Saviour today, and He was comforting someone,
Someone who had tears in their eyes, tears that had far from just begun.
He had His loving arm around them, and had tears in His eyes too,
And I’m sure that I heard Him say, “I understand, I’ve been hurt too.”
Yes, I saw Jesus today, He was carrying a bag or two,
And they were laden down with food, some other necessities too.
He approached a run-down house — was clutching His wallet as well,
And I saw Him empty His wallet before He rang the door bell.
Yes, I saw my Saviour today, a wounded sparrow in His hand,
For it was holding up a wing — damaged as it had tried to land.
There was a sadness on His face as He held it delicately,
And then I saw Him take that bird home, tending it most lovingly.
Yes, I saw Jesus today, in a smile that kindly came my way,
In words of encouragement that some sensitive soul sought to say.
And in a gentle touch, a warm embrace, and in a little gift,
All of which acted like healing balm, saw my sagging spirits lift.
Yes, I saw my Saviour today, dicing with death and a big bus,
That being, attempting to save someone — such, reminding me of us,
For I thought of how we oft wander from the straight and narrow way,
And how Christ tries to save us from those forces that us seek to slay.
Yes, I saw Jesus today, He was helping, caring, saving too,
Working via humanity — for such, My Lord has chosen to do.
For that way, we become just like Him — a reflection — Christ on view,
Therefore, was it Jesus that I saw lovingly working through you?
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It Goes Like This
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