Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Christmas has rolled around once again.
It can drive the most organized person insane.
Commercially it is a busy time that can cause stress.
With parties and functions there is little time to rest.
The true message is misunderstood or lost.
It is not wonderland with artificial frost.
It represents a new beginning, a rebirth.
God manifested himself on earth.
A time when values changed and love had a voice.
It ushered in new hope, a time to rejoice.
Christmas is a time to greet neighbors and strangers.
This is one of the many gifts of the Manger.
A special time for all of us to reflect,
Animals and pets we should not neglect.
Christmas is the gift of redemption.
Sadly this rarely gets a mention.
© Andrew Pell 19/12/10
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