Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Father, Creator, all ever you are;
I find you Holy and lovely by far.
Your presence is awesome, more than words can describe.
You're perfect and gentle, my souls long desire.
You love beyond measure and mend every part.
Ever thankful to know you, I give you my heart.
Giving glory and honor to your precious name,
I present you an offering; the sacrifice of praise.
Oh, MASTER of everything that gives life and breath,
I'll love you for always. To the world I confess.
Appearing before you; myself a gift to you ...
To be your humble servant so more can know you, too.
Absent in body, present with the LORD.
Throughout forever, it's you we'll adore.
© 2002 by Joyce C. Lock
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