Lance LandallLoving The Unlovely
Poetry by Lance Landall
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Loving The Unlovely
Poetry by Lance Landall

Please don’t mock or laugh at others, nor treat them indifferently,
Simply because you think they’re odd, weak, silly, or even ugly.
No, please don't ever treat unkindly any human on this earth,
Remembering that they’re someone’s child, and had no say in their birth.

Thus, love and help the difficult, the misfits and the unlovely,
For they need your love as well, and more so, unconditionally.
Yes, we all love the loveable, for that’s easy, natural too,
But loving the unlovely is by far the greater thing to do.

It’s so easy to love our own, for they’re our loved ones, after all,
But for most folk, loving the unlovely is a very hard call.
And yet, such love is pure love — and in each of us, such love should be,
For such doesn’t seek to get, but just seeks to give, for it’s self free.

Every one of us is different, the product of many things,
Hence why out of everybody's life both good and bad flows or springs.
So take time to get to know folk, and accept them the way they are,
For tolerance and understanding have always gone very far.

Yes, it’s hard enough for many that they feel the way that they do,
And that they’re struggling with their quirks, anxieties, obsessions too.
Thus, such folk need a helping hand, not those whispers, looks or comments,
Nor that thoughtless indifference that to some is far more intense.

Many folk who're not so well endowed with looks, physique, or IQ,
Are made to feel inferior by sad things others say and do.
And yes, you may say that folk can choose to feel that way or not, but,
Is anything quite that easy, and sometimes, things can really cut.

So love and help the difficult, the misfits, and the unlovely,
For they need your love as well, and more so, unconditionally.
Yes, never just love your loved ones, or those that you’re attracted to,
But show love and care to all, for such is the better thing to do.

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