Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Sometimes we make big mistakes, that we bitterly regret, Mistakes we can’t leave behind, mistakes that we can’t forget. For the results of these mistakes, continue on for years, Causing much unhappiness, often resurrecting tears.
Sometimes we can’t understand, why we do the things we do, And why it is we say things, that we also, later rue. We scratch our head and wonder, why we’ve acted the same way That earlier brought trouble, caused folk heartache or dismay.
Sometimes we cannot undo, what we shouldn’t have said or done, And our attempts to fix it, or reconcile, some folk shun. Not everyone is willing to forgive and to forget, And when you upset some, what they then think of you, seems set.
Sometimes we say or do things, that we’ve told others not to, Why? Because we’re human too, and under pressure, same wrong can do. Thus, all should understand this, and more thoughtfulness display, When someone who knows better, somehow, somewhere, goes astray.
Everybody makes mistakes, and most of us, too many, Yes, it would be wonderful, if none of us made any. But the truth is, that we do, and we will continue to, Because no one is perfect, and learning curves we go through.
When someone treats you wrongly, but is sorry, and says so, And attempts to put things right, there is something you should know: If you don’t respond to them, in the way in which one should, Then you aren’t any better, and call you hypocrite, they could.
When folk try to put things right, and seek reconciliation, We should respond with mercy, and, without hesitation. One day it could well be us, attempting to right our wrong, Hoping folk will forgive, and forget, not mutual upset prolong.
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