Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
“You shouldn’t think negatively,” certain people say to you,
And, “You must think positively,” they also lecture too.
But it’s not quite that simple, and they’re somewhat incorrect,
Hence why their pithy statements one should carefully inspect.
I certainly wouldn’t condemn a positive attitude,
But all need to be given a degree of latitude.
It’s unfair and unrealistic expecting that all should be
Always thinking positive as opposed to negatively.
Yes, many keep on saying, “You must think positively,”
Wielding such like a mallet, hammering it home obsessively.
Such can leave people feeling worse, and it’s the wrong thing to say
To any who are depressed, or suffering in some other way.
We all have our ups and downs, our share of trouble and pain,
'Cause sometimes there's sunshine, and sometimes cloudy skies and rain.
Hence it’s only natural if some days we’re feeling blue,
And seeking out another who will help us make it through.
Sometimes we feel anxiety, even experience fear,
And there’re times when we should, though such are negative, we hear.
Without these strong emotions so much worse off we would be,
'Cause often such can save us from danger and complacency.
Anger? Hasn’t a righteous anger seen people acting bravely,
Or timid people aroused, speaking out courageously?
Didn’t a so-called negative act as a positive here,
If anger helped to suppress, weakness, reticence or fear?
Isn’t it how we deal with it, and what’s motivated it too,
Not whether it’s right or wrong, or that there’s a fault with you?
Wouldn’t we be less than human if anger we didn’t feel
Regarding wicked actions that life and human rights steal?
And hasn’t frustration too, seen something good come about,
A clever idea for instance, that provided a way out?
Didn’t a so-called negative, here too, act as a positive,
If frustration led to an answer, an alternative?
And what about those people who created something great,
’Midst, or due to, deep despair that sometimes would dominate.
If it hadn’t been for that low, they wouldn’t have created
What many today uplifts and is much appreciated.
Yes, even negative things can be blessings in disguise,
'Cause out of a negative a positive can arise.
But are some things negative like is commonly believed,
Or, is it purely and simply how those things are perceived?
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Ode to Frank And Mary
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