Andrew PellNever Despair
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Never Despair
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

Life may seem dark and terrible now.
But tomorrow there may be a light shining through your window.
It is all to do through changing our perceptions.
Covid has changed many of the luxuries and freedoms we took for granted.
It is a lesson in changing our goals and priorities.
We wonder, what can we achieve during this lockdown period?
Governments all over the world are looking for answers they may not find.
Perhaps it may be a sign of God’s disappointment with this world.
However Governments all over the World are doing their best,
They do not really understand what works and what may not work.
Never lose hope or Faith.
Life will get better as Doctors and Scientists understand more about the Virus.
Life will go back to normal, but it will be a different normality of what we were used to before.
We will survive this Pandemic as the World has survived others.
But our lives will be changed forever probably for the better.
Collectively Mankind is very clever.
We will all get on top of this Worldwide Pandemic.
Because at the end of the day, God is in complete control,
God will always send his Angels to heal and console this troubled World.

© Andrew Pell 04/01/2021


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