Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
A Place Far Away
By Walterrean Salley
Sometimes I dream of a place far away
Where peace and happiness ring,
Beauty and warmth crown each day
And the inhabitants joyfully sing.
A place of light where night doesn’t threaten
The beauty and glow of the land.
And souls rejoice to the tune of the harp
On that majestic strand.
Sometimes I dream of a place far away
Where trumpets resound so grand;
Harps serenade. And kin reunite.
Oh, I long to go to that land.
For God Himself is the Light
On that perpetual shore.
Where the days are bright, with no night,
And the dwellers grieve no more.
© 1989 Walterrean Salley
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