Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Thank you so much for that angel, Lord, that protected me today,
And who also has throughout my life, I’ll not hesitate to say.
I’m sure that one day in Heaven, if I ask You, I’ll be shown
The many times that I have been spared, Lord, and haven’t even known.
This guardian angel that was sent, and right from my birth by Thee,
Every moment of each day keeps a very watchful eye on me.
And though I know that the time will come when my life will somehow end,
I’m just so very grateful that I’ve always had this caring friend.
Therefore, please help me to remember much more often than I do
This angel that You have sent to me, who’ll remain my whole life through.
For though each person on this earth has an angel given by Thee,
They so often just get forgotten, though beside us constantly.
I know we mustn't worship these angels, nor images or man,
For nowhere within Your Holy Word have You told us that we can.
In fact, such worship You've forbidden, for honour is only due
To You, Lord, who created not just humans, but these angels too.
We’re told that these Holy spirit beings only pay homage to Thee,
And Your praises vocalize most exuberantly, and endlessly.
For they well know of Your goodness, and Your great love that saw that we
Were provided with an angel who’d aid us continually.
I’m so thankful for this angel who works so tirelessly for me,
Me! Even though I'm a wretched sinner, who acts so thoughtlessly.
For my sinful words and behaviour must often pain this angel,
And no doubt more so You, Lord, whose wishes I know so very well.
I so long to see this angel who's charged with looking after me;
This Holy angel who my well-being cares for conscientiously.
And I’ll be quick to thank that angel, but far quicker I will be
To thank, and join in all those praises of You, Lord, who died for me.
Yes, your love’s so amazing, Lord, how can I such love comprehend?
For it's a love that sends us angels who remain till our lives end.
And I also understand, Lord, that more angels You will send too,
If more than one is needed midst any troubles that we go through.
Thus, I’m not surprised that angels adore and loyally serve Thee,
Gladly doing Your bidding, Lord, and worshiping You joyfully.
And I too, can’t wait to serve Thee — hence why longingly I await
That time when You will arrive, Lord, to wing me back to Your estate.
But meantime, I will serve Thee as best as I can on earth below,
Working in this needy mission field to help others Your love know.
And like those angels sent to help us, I also, will help mankind,
In the hope that when You appear, Lord, more to serve Thee You will find.
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Pointless Risks
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