Andrew PellQuem Colerem Habet Sapienta
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Quem Colerem Habet Sapienta
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell


Can wisdom be defined in the shades of the colour spectrum?
Even thinking about the infinite possibilities can cause our mind to go numb.
The primary colours can be our metaphysical guide.
The intensity of the emotions most certainly can be applied.
The colour white can represent purity and all the associated connotations.
Black is the colour that may cause darkness and associated manifestations.
However what about the many shades that are visible between those opposing colours.
It is probably during this time we walk around with our blinkers.
What colour should wisdom be defined with?
It is such a valuable and spiritual gift.
I believe wisdom should be the colour of Gold.
It encompasses many truths that can be told.
Embrace and seek the gift of wisdom today.
Wisdom is like a shining and penetrating ray.

© Andrew Pell 16/03/08


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