Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
What is the secret of sanctity and happiness?
We try to mitigate life’s problems at best.
One of the secrets is to walk with a humble mind.
Everlasting treasures will you find,
Another is to be flexible and compassionate.
Let each others words resonate.
Treat all life with the utmost respect.
Ensure your family and friends needs are met.
Honor God with true conviction.
Love one another without restriction.
Uplift those who need to be uplifted.
Get back on course those who have drifted.
Give thanks to God for every second of the day.
Never forget to positively pray.
Seize the day with strength and agility.
God has given us intellect and ability.
Be at peace with everyone.
Be a light brighter than the sun.
Render evil to no one.
Deal with trouble before it has begun.
This friend is the secret of happiness.
Begin each day with vigor and zest.
© Andrew Pell 22/01/12
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