Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Superficiality is like a house of cards.
It will come tumbling down in a split moment of time.
People will be hurt because of lack of empathy.
Without empathy, there can be no sympathy.
Whatever we do, or whoever we are we must be genuine,
People can see through superficiality.
There needs to be compassion and morality.
That is the only way we can offer help to those in need.
We must act out of love and compassion to sow the seed,
Let’s not act out of selfishness or greed.
Christ was genuine in his ministry on earth.
To an evil world he brought love and compassion.
Let us take up his cross to complete his mission,
There cannot be any remorse or indecision.
Christ said “Take up thy cross and follow me.
© Andrew Pell 19/04/2018
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