Lance LandallThat Love Bug
Poetry by Lance Landall
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

That Love Bug
Poetry by Lance Landall

 It’s a cheeky little thing, and it’s mischievous too, It grins at you ’till you smile, and then it giggles at you. Sometimes it creeps up on you, and jostles you from behind, Or it leaves you little notes, sweetly noughts and crosses signed.

It sometimes tickles your toes, and wrestles with your bed sheets, It even hides your slippers, or it “Pleeeeease will you” repeats. It takes bites from your sandwich, sneaks sips from your hot drink too, And whispers things in your ear, as it snuggles up to you.

It reads over your shoulder, then startles you, when it speaks, Covers your eyes with its hands, pulls your nose and pats your cheeks. It chases you ’round the house, and sometimes plays hide-and-seek, And when you sneak up on it, it’s inclined to jump and shriek.

It brings you breakfast in bed — REALLY? — well, I’m hoping so, It often turns the lights down, and turns on the stereo. It rests itself against you, it’s affectionate and sweet, And it loves to hold your hand, when you’re strolling down the street.

It smiles at you lovingly, stares at you quizzically, And sometimes communicates — or so it seems — telepathically. It treats you, it spoils you, it waits for you, it misses you, It’s always there besides you, despite crazy things you do.

It kisses and caresses, gives you cuddles or a squeeze, Or when you’re lightly snoozing, it’ll get a feather and tease. It gives you nice surprises, makes a real big fuss of you, However, I must admit, that it can bamboozle too.

Yes, it’s somewhat a mystery, yet, without it, oh, dare, I would be so unhappy, wonder why on earth I’m here. Though it may well bamboozle, even be a mystery, Love’s the greatest bug on earth, and I’m glad that it caught me.

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