Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
The Feast of Miracles is celebrated every day.
It starts when the creative forces come into play.
We are released from the mundane to reach the sublime.
Trust in God and abundant treasures will you find.
Believe in yourself and your goals to attain.
Be saturated by blessings that pour like rain.
Set into motion your hearts desire.
Let your whole and complete self be on fire.
We need to moderate our behavior to hold the crown.
Sometimes life causes us meltdown.
Our patterns must change to accommodate success.
The Feast of Miracles will free us from distress.
Realize your true potential this very minute.
Do not set boundaries or your dreams limit.
The Feast of Miracles is the gift of change.
© Andrew Pell 29/05/10
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