Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
(Quote by George Santayana)
History and past events can teach us many things.
You would be astounded if we had the insight of what pre knowledge can
History has taught us a lot.
We could change destiny and reality if we had the forethought.
As human beings we are capable of making big mistakes.
This causes the entire human race a lot of headaches.
All of us collectively and individually need to seek God’s Counsel.
Read the scriptures and the wisdom found in the Bible.
Then our journey in life will be blissful and peaceful.
If we only observe, read and listen, history can teach us many things.
Each and every day can be a wonderful, joyous spiritual blessing.
© Andrew Pell 30/04/2021
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Those who live without love live without God
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