Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
To heal the sick (To Tracey)
To heal the sick stretch out your hand,
This is what God has planned.
Healing was part of the early Christian tradition.
There was no payment or condition.
Christ reached out to the lowly and outcast.
Gathering all who wanted to be part of the love that would last,
Christ shone forth and that his love would restore.
God and man together for evermore,
To those who are in nursing and healing.
Be confident, Gods love has no ceiling.
To those in hospitals and palliative care,
Know and feel that Christ is with you and always there.
In what you do, you restore loveliness once more.
To the terminally ill, stretch forth your hand.
You will experience peace and sorrow, as they journey to the Golden land.
(c) Andrew Pell 23/04/2018
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