Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Do not forget the spiritual law?
Cultivate thoughts that will open an unseen door.
What you sow you reap.
This is the Divine law you must earnestly keep.
Help all in need and help will be provided to you.
Does not your own heart tell you these words are true?
No spiritual person should ever wage war.
This is a practice that God abhors.
Do not slander or make fun of anyone.
God's love is never hidden.
Do you not feel the current of the spiritual river?
Always remember God will deliver.
Can we not see the beauty of the spiritual dimension?
Open our eyes to our spiritual ascension.
It is not what we see that we need eyes to see.
Knowing God is holding the key.
The material and spiritual need to merge into one.
Music is the bridge that will ensure this will be done.
Transcend the moment, be a light bearer of grace.
Send your light throughout all creeds and race.
They too will see the beauty of spirituality.
This is the eternal reality.
© Andrew Pell 14/01/2011
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