Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Vivisection they call it, but that's really just a fancy name,
For vivisection is just torture with a so-called righteous aim.
Yes, these poor defenseless animals are suffering every day,
Held captive in their cages, as Auschwitz-like, people cruelly play.
We’re talking concentration camps, where evil experiments are done;
Animal torture chambers that should really upset everyone.
It’s time that they were dismantled, for such practices aren’t okay,
As they’re shameful and outrageous, for with lives they just cruelly play.
Quivering in their little cages, freedom never to regain,
They live in such fear and loathing, riddled with misery and pain.
Each time those hands reach to grab them, they know that more pain there
will be,
And that love and affection isn’t something that they'll ever see.
Now, just imagine your much loved pet being treated in this cruel way,
For I’m sure that you would feel angry and certain things do or say.
Yes, I’m sure that you’d want to rescue your much loved and cared for pet,
And that midst your strong expressions you'd rush them home or to a vet.
It's a terrible tragedy and crime, a blight on humankind,
That such wicked concentration camps, one throughout this earth can find.
It’s dreadful that there are people who’re prepared to so hurt and maim,
And who can torture and slay without feeling any guilt or shame.
Yes, be it battery hens or vivisection, it's all the same,
In other words, cruelty, torture, despite what those spin doctors claim.
It’s terribly barbaric that they're treating animals this way,
And it only dehumanizes those who such cruelty display.
Yes, vivisection it’s called, but that's really just a fancy name,
For it’s nothing but plain torture that some righteous end cannot claim.
Therefore, it’s time we put a stop to such shockingly evil acts,
That humanity’s very fabric just undermines and attacks.
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What A Fish Would Say
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