Mary T. HoffmanWas It Worth It?
Poetry by Mary T. Hoffman
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Was It Worth It?
Poetry by Mary T. Hoffman

(Written after one more holiday centered on the uncivilized feasting on one of God’s innocent sentient beings – the much maligned Turkey.)

Was it worth the pain and suffering endured by innocent animals?
Was it worth the killing and violence, turning humans into criminals?
Was it worth desensitizing your children, losing their empathy,
creating sociopaths, destroying their inborn sense of harmony
with God’s creation on our planet earth?

Stop following a backward tradition
that cries out for abolition
as it joins cannibalism as passé.
There is no excuse today
for such ignorance to hold sway.

Holidays should be centered on life and love –
the things proclaimed by the Lord above.
Humiliation and death of His creations
will have consequences for those nations
that are far from their aspirations,
as hearts become hardened and cruel
when the arrogant and evil rule.

And as we look around, when it’s too late,
desperately wondering what caused our sorry fate,
we’ll have only ourselves to blame
for the horrors and the shame.

Go on to Wedding Prayer
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