Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
We are the face and lips of Christ.
Helping, encouraging and always loving.
Ever earnest in our giving,
Providing a glimmer of hope when all seems lost.
Put aside the emotional turmoil and cost.
All life is sacred.
All life needs to be nurtured and protected.
Animals and humans to co exist in peace.
No life should ever be leased.
Treat all life with compassion.
This is the Divine Pattern.
Stretch forth your hand to a person or animal in need.
This law should be everyone’s creed.
Why should animals continuously live life in fear?
The prime directive of loving all life is very clear.
We are the face of Christ, do we smile or are we sad.
© Andrew Pell 31/08/2013
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