The Works of Mark EdgemonYielding To His Right of Way
The Works of Mark Edgemon from

Mark Edgemon has been writing for 30 years. He writes and publishes short stories, articles, poetry and scripts, as well as, produces audio comedy productions for over 700 radio stations nationwide.

Contact Mark through his website, Creator and the Catalyst.

Yielding To His Right of Way

It was appointed for me to wait until I was willing,
In a cabin chosen for seclusion.
But as civilization encroached,
The changes within began showing.

It only took an unconditional surrender,
The giving of all I had or would ever be,
To taste freedom from fear and worry
And to see the foretold plan unfold.

I am strong, for the Lord is strong in me!
I stand firm, for He surrounds me without
And fills my soul and purpose within.
I have changed, I am still changing altogether.

My spirit knows my direction, even when my mind does not.
I have more than I need, made ready upon asking.
I have winged allies preparing my way
And the enemy gives room when I walk by.

Oh Holy is the One who took this carnal mass
And transformed it into a housing for His domain.
How weak become the evil ones in the reflected light of his confidence.
Radiating through a vessel that was once marred and broken.

And now, all that I do is obedience, with purpose greater than my own.
All that I am is a soul, basking in Purest Light.
And now the power within me is simply understood by the Holy word...

The End

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