To summarize what�s in my heart on the subject of
this website, I could think of nothing better or more appropriate than a
quote from Andrew Jukes from March 25, 1867:
"Truth spoken before its time may be not hurtful
only, but even most unlawful. The Christian truth, that 'there is no
difference between the Jew and the Greek,' and that 'circumcision is
nothing,' would surely have been unlawful, because untimely, in the
Jewish age. So even now there may be many eternal verities which are
beyond what St. Peter calls 'the present truth,' and which may therefore
'not be lawful for a man to utter.' But the fact that God Himself is
ever opening out His truth seems a sufficient reason for making it know
as far as He opens it. Is not His opening it to His servants an
intimation to them that His will is that they should declare and publish
it? Age after age the day arrives to utter something which till the
appointed day is come has been 'a secret hid in God.' The very gospel
which we all believe once jarred on many minds as a doctrine directly
opposed to and subversive of the law given by God to Moses.
The doctrine here stated, therefore, though it runs
like a golden thread through Holy Scripture, may, because as yet it has
been hidden from many of God's children, be condemned by them as
contrary to God's mind, just as Paul's gospel, when first proclaimed,
was charged with being opposed to that old law of which it was but the
fulfillment. In every age the man of faith can only say, 'We having the
same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and
therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.'
Truth may, and indeed must, vary in form as time
goes on,--Christ Himself, the Truth, at different stages appears
differently,--for God has stooped to this, to give us truth as we can
bear it; stooped therefore to be judged as inconsistent; because He is
Love, and waits to reveal Himself till we are prepared for the
revelation. But the end will justify all His ways..." [From the Preface
to �The Second Death And The Restitution Of All Things� by Andrew Jukes]

To me, the point depicted in our masthead picture is that God hears both
our prayers and the prayers of those creatures whose cries are often not
heard anywhere else in society.