Stephen Kaufman, M.D., Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA)
Problems with Institutions
As discussed last essay, institutions can be vehicles for communal
efforts that can do much good. However, there are inherent problems with
institutions, which can steer the best of institutions off course.
1. The problem of leadership. All institutions require administration by
humans, and even the most caring and compassionate people have hopes, fears,
and desires (many of which we are unaware of) that can undermine the work.
For example, is the plan to expand the physical plant a thoughtful decision
based on clear need, or does it largely reflect a leader’s desire to having
a lasting tribute to that leader’s governance? Is the opposition to another
person’s plan due to problems with that plan, or to dislike of that person?
2. The problem of succession. There is no perfect, and perhaps not even a
good, formula to make sure that the lofty goals of those who founded a given
institution will be shared by those who become subsequent leaders.
3. The problem of resources. Once an institution obtains things of value,
such as a building or an endowment, there will be people vying to control
those resources. Their aims may not be avaricious or otherwise malevolent,
but they will often care deeply about how those resources are used and find
themselves in bitter conflict with those who have different ideas. This is
particularly true among people whose gifts of money, time, or effort have
helped the institution to thrive.
Next essay, I will offer a Girardian perspective on how institutions relate
to the scapegoating process.
Go on to: Institutions and the Scapegoating Process
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