California Red-Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) Declared California's Official State Amphibia
An Animal Rights Article from


Save the Frogs!
July 2014

This law will ensure that thousands of future California students learn about amphibians, and that those who profit off of the destruction of California Red-Legged Frog habitat will meet with increased opposition and obstacles should they attempt to harm these frogs.

red-legged frog

I am very pleased to announce that on Saturday June 28th, Governor Jerry Brown made amphibious history by signing Assembly Bill 2364 into law, making the California Red-Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) the state's official amphibian (effective January 1st, 2015).

This law will ensure that thousands of future California students learn about amphibians, and that those who profit off of the destruction of California Red-Legged Frog habitat will meet with increased opposition and obstacles should they attempt to harm these frogs.

We send a big thank you to Governor Brown; Assemblymember Pérez and his staff; the students, teachers and administrators of Sea View Elementary School in Salton City; all the legislators who voted in support of this bill; and to all our SAVE THE FROGS! supporters who sent in letters of support on behalf of the California Red-Legged Frog!

You can learn all about how this bill became law, and why students play such an important role in environmental conservation efforts, click here.

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