Humane Society of the United States
May 2009
Put all of these factors together and what you get is a "perfect storm" environment for the emergence and spread of new "superstrains" of influenza, which long-distance live animal transport can then rapidly spread across the country.
Michael Greger, M.D., is the director of public health and animal
agriculture for The Humane Society of the United States. His book
Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching, which is available full-text online,
explores the risk of avian influenza, which has many parallels with the
current swine flu outbreak. He answers common questions about the burgeoning
Is it still even called "swine" flu?
To protect pork exports and deter countries from indiscriminately killing
pigs, many have dropped use of the term "swine." The U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention has decided instead to call it "swine-origin"
influenza now, which is accurate, but people have been raising pigs and
chickens in their back yards for thousands of years before the triple hybrid
mutant ancestor of this virus was first detected on U.S. factory farms.
"Factory farm flu" might therefore be more accurate.
If I properly handle and fully cook pork, is it safe?
From an influenza standpoint, pork is probably safe, but how that pork was
produced can be anything but. When thousands of pigs are overcrowded into
cramped stalls and pens inside massive, unsanitary, warehouse-like sheds,
it's a veritable breeding ground for disease. As the former executive
director of the Pew Commission on Industrial Animal Farm Production
described, "Industrial farms are super-incubators for viruses."
Where did swine flu come from?
The genetic fingerprint of the virus was just published, and the main
ancestor of this deadly virus is a triple hybrid mutant first found on
factory farms in the United States in 1998.
What are the conditions on factory farms that contribute to emergence of
these diseases?
Factory farms can be considered viral breeding grounds for many reasons:
Put all of these factors together and what you get is a "perfect storm"
environment for the emergence and spread of new "superstrains" of influenza,
which long-distance live animal transport can then rapidly spread across the
Have there been other diseases related to factory farming?
Swine flu is not the only deadly human disease traced to factory farming
practices. The meat industry took natural herbivores, such as cows and
sheep, and turned them into cannibals by feeding them slaughter plant waste,
blood and manure. Then, people were fed downed animals—those too sick even
to stand or walk—and, as a result, people have died because of mad cow
In 2005, China experienced the world's largest and deadliest outbreak of an
emerging pig pathogen called Strep suis, causing meningitis and deafness in
people handling infected pork products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture
blamed "[s]tress due to poor housing conditions, such as crowding and
inadequate ventilation..." and the World Health Organization similarly
blamed "'intensive' conditions that can cause stress and subsequent immune
Pig factories in Malaysia birthed one of the
deadliest of human pathogens, the Nipah virus, a contagious respiratory
disease causing relapsing brain infections and killing 40% of people infected.
Its emergence was again blamed on factory farms.
The pork industry
in the United States feeds pigs millions of pounds of human antibiotics
every year just to promote growth and prevent disease in
such a stressful, unhygienic environment, and now there are
multidrug-resistant bacteria and we as physicians are running out of good
antibiotic options. A study published last year found that half of pigs
tested in Iowa and Illinois were positive for MRSA (methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus), which now kills more people than AIDS in the United
States. As the United Kingdom's chief medical officer put it, "every
inappropriate or unnecessary use in animals or agriculture is potentially a
death warrant for a future patient."
How do other public health scientists feel about these factory farms?
The largest association of public health professionals in the world, the
American Public Health Association, called for a moratorium on factory farms
more than five years ago.
In 2005, the United Nations said, "Governments, local authorities, and
international agencies need to take a greatly increased role in combating
the role of factory farming," which, combined with live animal markets,
"provide ideal conditions for the [influenza] virus to spread and mutate
into a more dangerous form." These factory farms can be thought of as the
original incubators of dangerous strains of the flu.
Just last year, the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production
released its final report after a two-and-one-half year investigation.
Commissioners included a former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, a former
Assistant Surgeon General and the Dean of the University of Iowa College of
Public Health, and was chaired by a former Kansas Governor. The Commission
concluded in no uncertain terms that intensively confining pigs in veal
crate-like metal stalls where they can't even turn around poses
"unacceptable" public health risks.
What needs to happen to decrease our risk of future swine flu pandemics?
The industry needs to immediately move towards a carcass-only trade.
Long-distance live animal transport has been implicated in the rapid spread
of swine influenza viruses throughout North America.
We also need to start giving these animals more breathing room. One study
showed that measures as simple as providing straw for pigs so they don't
have the immunosuppressive stress of living on bare concrete their whole
lives can significantly cut down on swine flu transmission rates. In the
long run, though, we need to follow the Pew Commission's recommendations to
abolish extreme confinement practices like gestation crates, as they're
already doing in Europe, and to follow the advice of the American Public
Health Association and declare no more factory farms.
How bad do you think this is going to get?
The goal is to be prepared, not scared. There are pandemics and then there
are pandemics. We must remember that the last two pandemics—in 1957 and
1968—were relatively mild, only killing about a million people each. If
you're 52 years old, you've already lived through two pandemics, and odds
are you'll almost certainly live through the next.
Nearly everything you need to know to survive a pandemic you likely learned
in kindergarten, such as proper hand washing and basic respiratory hygiene.
Also, getting up to speed on social distancing, appropriate stockpiling of
essential supplies, taking care of flu victims, and the proper use of
alcohol-based hand sanitizers and masks/respirators may be helpful should
the current swine flu virus evolve into a more serious threat.
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids