Animal Rights Articles ~ Why Geese Matter
Geese are sentient, emotional beings who connect many people to nature.
Denver's geese killing program has got it all wrong.
Geese are sentient, highly emotional beings who connect countless
people to nature. Despite their natural beauty and the value they
add to a wide variety of urban landscapes, geese all too often are
labeled as "pests" and routinely killed in heinous and inhumane ways
without any sort of respect or decency for who they truly are.
Denver is guilty of such violence. United Poultry Concern's
President Dr. Karen Davis notes, "It's quite likely the geese were
gassed to death with carbon dioxide while in the transport crates: a
slow, agonizing death of suffocation, terror, panic and pain.
Individual birds die at different rates as individuals and it can
take many hours for them all to be dead. Also, a bird who seemed
dead can revive and will then likely be strangled, beaten with a bat
or some other bludgeoning instrument, or both."
In 2019, at the behest of Denver Parks & Recreation (DPR), Wildlife
Services, a program of the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) that is well-known for its rampant killing ways, slaughtered
more than 1600 geese across the city of Denver, and in 2020 they
killed more than 400 geese.
As of today, DPR have said there will be no more killing in 2020 and
that killing will be unnecessary in 2021. Officials of DPR have not
yet put in writing that it will employ only non-lethal options in
2021, despite the fact that many such alternatives are readily
available, including stopping geese from landing and nesting in the
first place, growing grasses that do not attract the geese, hazing,
using model predators, and using drones to scare-off or deter the
geese who come to Denver parks because they contain many features
the geese love.
Many of the same people who welcomed them with open arms suddenly favor killing them. Some who are responsible for killing these fascinating birds claim they really don't like doing it, but have to because they have no choice. Taking a life is serious business, so it's difficult to understand why they kill these birds when they say they really don't want to and non-lethal options are readily available....
Read Marc's entire article here (PDF)...