Bear Kinship

Bear Spirit

Bear Discussion

Successful Bear Advocacy Through Positive Educational Outreach
From Paul - 6 Mar 2008

Dear friends of the bear,

I am really convinced that failure to not advance our efforts in our helping bears collectively in any bear issue/s in the coming days, and years will be a monumental mistake, and perhaps a fatal disaster for bears.

We must not allow ourselves to sit out, and fail to act on any bear, and bear habitat issues, anywhere, especially with the tremendous ruling victory of the McNeil River Game Sanctuary of the Alaska Game Board not to allow hunting within McNeil Game Sanctuary.

This email from Steve Stringham, PhD Director - Bear Viewing Association from the work, and email that Brenden Garret sent out is a great step forward in this endeavor.

This letter is really loaded with insight, and background, and care of the behind the scenes information as to what is really going on in this McNeil Game Sanctuary area. I am very thankful to Brenden Garrett, Steve Stringham, and all of you, for your hard work, and care for bears that most of us will never know about.

Let us all come in from our individual isolations so we can meet, and learn from each others work to make us a more an informed family caring for bears. With all of these email addresses we could network a much improved effort to help the bears.


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