1st Friday Community Vegan Dinner @ Shire Kitchen
Mariana Bergtold of “The Dancing Vegan” is heading up Shire City
Sanctuary’s Commercial Kitchen and will be fixing an amazing organic, vegan,
mostly gluten-free/soy free, meal with all sorts of tasty adornments on the
first Friday of each month.
Menu for March is:
Summer Rolls
Spring Rolls
Pad Thai
Spicy Eggplant
Green Curry Kabocha
Tempeh Larb
Jasmine Rice
Rice Pudding w/Mango and Banana
Yes it’s really all organic and vegan from start to finish. We hope you’ll
join us, and bring a friend! Cost is $20 per person, children welcome.
Tickets must be purchased in advance. Questions? Please email at
[email protected]
Profits go to the development of our non-profit organization.
Also, contact us at [email protected] if you’re interested in
volunteering with the food preparation
and cleanup in exchange for a meal!
RSVP for Dinner
$20.00 + $1.49 fee
Sales end on March 3
Children's Plate
$15.00 + $1.37 fee
Sales end on March 3
Purchase tickets online at:
RSVP- Will Pay $25 Cash At the Door
Shire City Sanctuary
40 Melville Street
Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201
(413) 236-9600