Companion Animal Care


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Companion Animal Care
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 10 Dec 2008

These comments are from our Companion Animal Care - Article Series

In Reference to: Proper and Safe Integration of a New Cat

Dear Judy:

From our personal experience, cats need time to get along with each other. This is compounded by the problem of having 3 cats, and the little one could be left out by the other cats.

When Remy came into the bedroom, was your calico already in the room. If so, Remy could be feeling left out and is probable jealous of the other two bonding.

We would suggest that you allow the cats to mingle any time you are with them and see how things go. And when they are together show equal affection to all of them, particularly the older ones. When they start to play together, you'll know that everything is OK.

We hope this helps.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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