An Animal Rights Article Series from
Companion Animal Care
Table of Contents
This Companion Animal Care directory is presented to help people
seeking reliable resources, tips, and information for companion animals.
| Guardianship
| Cats
| Dogs
| Vegan Dog and Cat Food Articles
| Vegan Cat and Dog Food Products
| Rabbits
| Adoption
| Mourning the Death of a Loved One Is the Same for Both Humans and Other Animals
Table of State Laws that Protect Animals Left in Parked Vehicles |
PotBellied Pig
Adoption and Placement Network

- The Guardian Campaign
- 50 of ISAR's Spay/Neuter Billboards Reach the Public
- 2019 International Homeless Animals' Day Highlights
- A Dead Dog Continues to Haunt New York City and the No-kill Movement
- A Letter from a Shelter Manager
- Adopt Don't Shop!
- Adoptions Director Denounces Animal Warehousing at Humane Society of New York
- Advancing Animal Welfare Standards Within the Veterinary Profession
- Aging with pets isn’t just a sentimental concern — but a matter of health and wellness
- Animal Abuse as a Predictor of School Shootings and Mass Murders
- Animal Cruelty Cases Paint a Dire Warning: Don't Give Animals Away on Craiglist
- Animal Shelter Urges People to Protect Pets from Heat
- Animal Shelter Woes in
- Animals Lebanon
- Another Ordinance Makes it Illegal to Sell Commercially-bred Dogs and Cats in Pet Stores
- A Primer on the No Kill Philosophy
- Are Childless People Who Adopt Pets Selfish?
- Are Your Companion Animals Prepared for Disaster?
- Be a Guardian to, Not Owner of, Your Pet
- Because that’s where animals are killed
- Be There Till the End
- Betrayal
- Beware of Common Things That Poison Cats and Dogs
- Black Dog Syndrome
- Blind Obedience
- Business-Savvy Landlords Should Allow Pets. Cities Should Encourage It.
- California’s Bella’s Act took effect this year, closing a loophole to stop puppy and kitten mills for good
- California Cities Act to Ban Cat Declawing
- California Legislature Passes a Bill to Bar Forced Cat and Dog Debarking and Declawing
- Cargo-hold Flying Can Traumatize Animals
- Chemnutra Owners Sentenced for Melamine-Tainted Pet Food
- Companion Animals: Ethology, Ethics, End-of-Life Decisions
- Countering the Opposition: Responding to the Ten Predictable and Recurring Excuses of No Kill Opponents
- COVID-19 and Planning for Your Pet
- Declaration of the No Kill Movement in the United States
- De-Spooking: Preparing Pets for Halloween
- Dispelling Myths About Mutts: A Literature Review
- Disruption of Humane Society of New York Star-studded Adoption Event Goes Viral
- Dogs and Cats Can Be Healthy, Happy Vegans, Research Shows
- Dogs in Hot Cars
- Don't Let This Happen to Your Cat
- Efficiency is the Cure for All Homelessness - Humans and Companion Animals
- Essential Tips for Traveling With Pets in Your RV
- Facing COVID-19 Together with Animal Shelters
- FDA Warns Pet Owners to Beware of Buying Pet Medications Online
- Fourth Of July Companion Animal Safety Tips
- Fund Veterinary Care, Not Harmful Corporations
- Honor Animal Companions on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
- How to Care For an Elder Pet
- How Co-Sheltering Improves Shelter Accessibility
- How Many Pets Are Poisoned by Lawn Pesticides?
- H.R. 7826 Introduced in Congress: Will Prohibit Dog Racing Nationwide
- Humane Euthanasia Isn't Rocket Science
- Humane Pet Sales Bill Signed into Law in Washington State
- Influence of Companion Animals on the Physical and Psychological Health of Older People
- If I go vegan...What about companion animals? Would I have to give them away?
- In a Blow to Cruel Puppy Mills, California Bans Store Sales of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits
- Information about Pet Insurance
- Interview At the Dog Pound
- ISAR International Society for Animal Rights - 2019 Report
- ISAR International Society for Animal Rights - 2020 Report
- ISAR's Quarter-Century Battle Against Dog and Cat Overpopulation
- It Pays to Know the Costs of Companion Animal Care
- It’s All About Rabbits on National Bunny Day
- John the Lurcher - Understanding Your Dog
- Keep Dogs and Cats Away from Sweet Treats this Halloween
- Keeping Reptiles and Amphibians as Pets: Questions and Concerns
- Kim Basinger Urges Craigslist to Ban Posts with Animals
- 'Kitten Season' is No Reason to Celebrate
- LA County Shelter Must Allow Rescuers to Rescue
- Lessons From Katrina: Prepare Pets for Disaster
- List of FDA recalls for Pet Food Products from IAMs (June 2010)
- Louisville, Colorado, Breed Discriminatory Ordinance Repealed
- Major Veterinary Drug Recall Gets Bigger
- “Matthew’s Law” Protect Pets of Deceased Humans
- Medical Impacts of Devocalization
- Meet Allie, Former Backyard Breeding Dog Helping Save Others Like Her
- Mississippi New Law Doubles Fines, Adds Prison Time for Cruelty to Dogs and Cats
- ‘Naive’ Students Hold Record Adoption
- New Kentucky Law Allows Veterinarians to Report Animal Cruelty
- New Site Helps Domestic Violence Victims Find Safe Housing for their Beloved Pets
- New Year’s Eve – A Strain For Animals
- North Utah Valley Animal Shelter Gets Rid of Cruel Gas Chamber
- Now En Español: ISAR's Spay/Neuter and Microchipping Statutes
- Ohio Now Requires Front-line Workers to Report Suspected Animal Abuse
- Our 2 Cents...Flying Fido
- Pet Disaster Preparedness
- Pet Euthanasia Info
- Pet Food (Article Series)
- "Peticide" Describes Animals Killed as Part of Human Suicides
- Pet Microchipping Bill Signed Into Law By California Governor Newsom
- Pet Protectors
- Pet Rescue and Adoption Act is Now Law in California
- Pet Theft
- Pets and Domestic Violence
- Pets Are "Members of the Family"
- Pets as Gifts: Please Don't Surprise Me With a Life Sentence
- Pets Can’t Teach Kids Responsibility. That’s Your Job.
- Pets Have Value
- Pitbulls Out of the Shadows and Into the Sun
- Plan ahead: Prepare a plan for your companion animals, now
- Planning for Your Companion Animals' Care
- Prevent Pet Suffocation
- Protect Your Companion Animals From Plastic Bags
- Protect Your Furry, Four-Legged Friends on the 4th of July!
- Put a Pet Oxygen Mask on Every Fire Truck
- Rabbits: What You Need to Know About These Misunderstood Animals
- Reasons for 'Surrendering' Companion Animals…
- Thousands of Seresto Flea and Tick Collar Complaints
- Rescue-Five-O
- Saying 'No' to Milled Dogs and Cats
- Shed a Light On a Global Tragedy - Pet Overpopulation
- Shedding Some Light on the Dark Secrets of Animal Hoarding
- Shelter Victims: Animals and Humans
- Should You Be Present for the Euthanasia of Your Pet?
- States That Have Provisions for Pets in Domestic Violence Protection Orders
- Stop Türkiye's Gruesome Mass Killing of 4 Million Homeless Dogs and Cats
- Sulala Rescue: A Beacon of Hope for Gaza's Animals Amidst Struggle
- Swedish Cat Shelters: A National Review
- Table of State Laws that Protect Animals Left in Parked Vehicles
- Ten Commandments for a Responsible Pet Parent
- The ABCs of Cruelty-Free Flea Control
- The Great Meddler, Henry Bergh
- The Guardian Campaign
- The Guardian Campaign - Essay
- The Killing of Animals at the NYC Pound Violates Animal Rights
- The Multi-Lingual Pet Care Library
- The Pet Abandonment Epidemic
- The Short Life and Tragic Death of Bowie
- The True Horrors of Pet Food Revealed
- This "Game" Teaches Children the True Costs of Companion Animal Care
- Tips on Protecting Cats and Dogs from Halloween Hazards
- Tornado Safety Tips For Companion Animals
- Troubled Shelter in Mississippi is Exposed and Closed
- Turkey's Interior Minister Issues Orders to Feed Stray Animals So They Don't Starve in Pandemic
- Using the 'She's a Rescue Dog' Excuse
- Veterinarians Get Training to Respond to Domestic Violence
- Veterinarians in Yulin, China are learning that dogs feel pain and fear
- Veterinary Ethics: Life and Death Decisions in the Real World
- Veterinary Forensics Conference Highlights The Link Between Human and Animal Abuse
- Virginia Bench Guide for Addressing the Link betweeen Animal Abuse and Human Abuse
- What Pet Owners and Vets Need to Know About COVID-19
- What Your Pet Really Costs You
- When is it Ethical to Euthanize Your Pet?
- Who Decides?
- Who Gets the Kitty?
- Why Aren’t More Veterinarians Vegan?
- Why I Hate Fireworks
- Why You Can See the Best and Worst of Humanity at an Animal Shelter
- Why Veterinarians Should Stop Calling Euthanasia a "Gift"
- Why We Need Shelter Veterinary Programs
- (Willful) Ignorance is not bliss
- Will G-Force Cause the Next Pet Fad? This Time Guinea Pigs
- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Animal Sheltering in the United States

From Find a Veterinarian in the U.S. or Canada
Who Will Not Declaw
- 70,000 Puppies and Kittens Born in the U.S. Every Day
- A Promise to be Made
- Alarming trend: More pets caught in traps in British
- A Resolution for Cat People
- An Influx of 'Christmas Gift' Animals
- Are Too Many of Us Myth-Led?
- Aurora, CO, Bans the Retail Sale of Commercially-bred Dogs and Cats in Pet Stores
- Bethlehem, PA, Bans Sale of Commercially-bred Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits in Pet Stores
- Can I Adapt?
- Can Pets Catch Swine Flu?
- Cat And Dog Enrichment For Every Context
- Cat and Dog Poison Alert and Emergency Help
- Cat Behavior: Cognitive Dissociation and Social Disruption
- Cat Owners' Perceptions of Feline Emotions
- Catch/Release Programs for Cats Are Inhumane
- Cats and Their Claws
- Cats Help Shield Owners From Heart Attack
- Charlotte and Calvin...Reunited!
- "Conservationists" don’t want to save birds; they want to kill cats
- Daily Health Check Your Cat Will Love
- Deadly Outbreak of Bird Flu Forces Pets to be Kept Inside in Poland
- Declawing Law May be Clipped
- Do Cats Grieve? How You Can Help Your Cat Deal with Loss
- Dogs and Cats Can Be Healthy, Happy Vegans, Research Shows
- Don't Let Me Out!
- Don't Let This Happen to Your Cat
- "Exotic" Hybrid Cats: Neither Propagate Nor Breed
- Feline Redemption - Prison Programs Transform Lives
- Fireworks, animals and the environment
- Garbage In, Garbage Out
- Genetically Engineered Foods and Dog and Cat Health Issues
- Growing Catnip
- Have a Pet-Friendly 4th of July
- Here's how to help outdoor cats (those abandoned, lost or feral) stay safe
- Hey - Those Are My TOES!
- How To Keep Your Cat Safe!
- Hundreds of Cats and Dogs Bled, Warehoused Until Death at Blood Bank Supplying Major Veterinary Chains
- If You're for De-Clawing Cats, Raise Your Hand
- In a Blow to Cruel Puppy Mills, California Bans Store Sales of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits
- In India cats are the ultimate underdogs
- Israel Bans Declawing Cats
- Japanese Carmakers Launch 'Knock Knock' Campaign to Help Save Cats' Lives
- Keep your cat(s) indoors!
- 'Kitten Season' is No Reason to Celebrate
- Making Harmonious Cat to Cat Introductions
- Maryland Bans the Declawing of Cats
- Mission: Accomplished – Stanford Cat Network Adopts the Last of the Campus Cats
- Misunderstood "Myths" and Misconceptions About Felines
- Mongolia Passes Historic Animal Rights Law Ending Poisoning and Shooting of 300,000 Street Dogs and Cats
- ‘Naïve’ Students Hold Record Adoption
- New Jersey's Moose's Law Will Protect Dogs and Cats From Convicted Animal Abusers
- New Year Brings ISAR's Spanish Language Spay and Neuter Billboards to Fort Myers, Florida
- New York bans pet store sales of milled pets
- New York State scratches declawing
- No Lilies For Cats
- Obesity in Pets—A Growing Problem
- Olive... Declawed and Dumped
- Paws Come With Claws
- Pet Disaster Preparedness
- Pet Microchipping Bill Signed Into Law By California Governor Newsom
- Pet Theft
- Pets and Domestic Violence
- Please Don't Remove My Claws
- Pool Parties Aren’t for Everyone - Protecting Wild and Companion Animals from Swimming Pool Dangers
- Proper and Safe Integration of a New Cat
- Putty in Their Paws: Why We Do What Cats Want
- Quebec Animal Welfare Regulation Bans Cat Declawing, Dog Tail Docking and Other Cosmetic Mutilations
- Saying 'No' to Milled Dogs and Cats
- Selective Breeding: Unraveling the Methods, Motivations, and Implications
- Spay Neuter Programs Help Feral Cats and Their Neighbors
- Stand by Me - Desmond's Law
- Stop Türkiye's Gruesome Mass Killing of 4 Million Homeless Dogs and Cats
- Strange Circumstances Make California First to Ban Declawing
- Sulala Rescue: A Beacon of Hope for Gaza's Animals Amidst Struggle
- Take a Look at Declawing
- Teddybear's Biography
- The Battle Over Community Cats: A Legal Showdown That Could Redefine Animal Welfare
- The California Spay & Neuter License Plate
- The Campaign for Smoke Free Pets
- The Clean Pet Food Revolution Will Change the World
- The Director of Arguably the Worst Pound in the U.S. Has Been Removed
- The Killing of Animals at the NYC Pound Violates Animal Rights
- The last three gassing pounds in America
- The Paw Project
- The perils of plastics extend to our pets
- This "Game" Teaches Children the True Costs of Companion Animal Care
- Traps are injuring and killing pets, new data released
- Traveling With Kitty By Car
- Veterinary Forensics Conference Highlights The Link Between Human and Animal Abuse
- War's Invisible Casualties
- When Cats Play, They Mirror One Another's Feline Faces
- Who Decides?
- Why Do Adopters Return Cats to Shelters?
- Why Do Cats Meow at Humans?

- 101 Vegan-Eating Dogs: An Encyclopedia of Vegan Dog Nutrition
- 300 dogs sterilized in Sarnath, India and the community changes
- ABC (Animal Birth Control) Program Gets A Boost from an Unexpected Direction
- Alarming trend: More pets caught in traps in British Columbia
- A Plant-Based Diet is Suitable for Dogs, According to Doctors at Veterinary Clinics in the UAE
- A Promise to be Made
- Adopt Don't Shop!
- Animal Celebrity
- A Solstice Wish: Freedom From This Kind of Love
- Aurora, CO, Bans the Retail Sale of Commercially-bred Dogs and Cats in Pet Stores
- Banfield Hospitals Ban Unnecessary Cosmetic Surgeries on Dogs
- Battling A Bad Reputation: Why Do So Many People Dislike Pit Bulls?
- Bethlehem, PA, Bans Sale of Commercially-bred Dogs, Cats, and Rabbits in Pet Stores
- Best of Breed, Worst of Breeders?
- Beagle Freedom Project Shuts Down Puppy Mill
- Bhutan Says all Stray Street Dogs are Now Sterilized Following 14-year Project
- Blind Obedience
- An Influx of 'Christmas Gift' Animals
- California's 'local breeders' are part of a puppy mill scam
- Canine Cuisine: Can My Dog Do Okay on Vegan 'People Food'?
- Can Pets Catch Swine Flu?
- Cat And Dog Enrichment For Every Context
- Cat and Dog Poison Alert and Emergency Help
- Change Everything For a Chained Dog
- Cool Ideas for Hot Dogs
- Coronavirus Cannot Spread From Dogs To Humans
- David Duchovny Supports Effort to End Dog Overpopulation
- Deadly Outbreak of Bird Flu Forces Pets to be Kept Inside in Poland
- Dog Names Woof
- Doggie Dental 101
- Dogs and Cats Can Be Healthy, Happy Vegans, Research Shows
- Dogs are Smarter than Toddlers, IQ Tests Show
- Dogs do love us
- Dogs in Hot Cars
- Dogs Need Tails and Voices: 'Cosmetic' Surgeries Need to Go
- Dominance-based Dog Training Controversy
- Don't Give A Dog A Bone, FDA Says
- "Exotic" Hybrid Cats:
Neither Propagate Nor Breed
- Fireworks, animals and the environment
- Garbage In, Garbage Out
- Genetically Engineered Foods and Dog and Cat Health Issues
- Good Nutrition for Healthy Vegan Dogs
- Have a Pet-Friendly 4th of July
- Having a Dog Makes Toddlers More Considerate to People, Study Finds
- Hazel, Dog Missing for Years, Finally Found Thanks to Photo on Beer Can
- Homeless Dogs Shot in the Street as World Cup Arrives in Qatar
- Household Toxins that Make Your Dog Sick
- How Backyard Breeders are Negating Pet Shop Bans
- How Selective Breeding Hurts Dogs
- How to Slay an Invisible Danger to Your Dog: Electric Shock
- Hundreds of Cats and Dogs Bled, Warehoused Until Death at Blood Bank Supplying Major Veterinary Chains
- In a Blow to Cruel Puppy Mills, California Bans Store Sales of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits
- India’s Madras High Court Confirms Ban on Tail-Docking and Ear-Cropping Mutilations of Dogs
- "I Sure Wouldn't Put My Dog in a Puppy Mill, Would You?"
- John the Lurcher - Understanding Your Dog
- LA County Shelter Must Allow Rescuers to Rescue
- Little Dog Libraries
- Live and Let Die
- Louisville, Colorado, Breed Discriminatory Ordinance Repealed
- Making The Breeding of Some Breeds Illegal?
- Meet Allie, Former Backyard Breeding Dog Helping Save Others Like Her
- Mongolia Passes Historic Animal Rights Law Ending Poisoning and Shooting of 300,000 Street Dogs and Cats
- New Jersey's Moose's Law Will Protect Dogs and Cats From Convicted Animal Abusers
- New Year Brings ISAR's Spanish Language Spay and Neuter Billboards to Fort Myers, Florida
- New York bans pet store sales of milled pets
- Obesity in Pets—A Growing Problem
- One of Korea's Most Notorious Dog Meat Markets is Now a Pet Paradise
- Overturning Breed-Specific Bans
- Pandemic Puppy Pandemonium Requires Lots of Time and Love
- Pavlov and the Kingdom of Dogs
- Pet Disaster Preparedness
- Pet Microchipping Bill Signed Into Law By California Governor Newsom
- Pet Theft
- Petco: “Stop the Shock”
- Pets and Domestic Violence
- Pippa Wollen - Vegan Dog
- Pit Bulls Are Not Monsters
- Pitbulls Out of the Shadows and Into the Sun
- Police Encounters with Dogs May Lead to Deadly Consequences
- Pool Parties Aren’t for Everyone - Protecting Wild and Companion Animals from Swimming Pool Dangers
- Quebec Animal Welfare Regulation Bans Cat Declawing, Dog Tail Docking and Other Cosmetic Mutilations
- Rescue has a new meaning in the U.S. – but at what cost?
- Rez dogs are feeling the heat from climate change
- Romanticizing the Life of Street Dogs
- Saving Turkey's Stray Dogs
- Saying 'No' to Milled Dogs and Cats
- Selective Breeding: Unraveling the Methods, Motivations, and Implications
- Shut Up Dog or I'll Have Your Vocal Chords Removed
- Spay and Neuter: The Unbelievable Importance | Incredible Facts and Harmful Myths
- Stop Türkiye's Gruesome Mass Killing of 4 Million Homeless Dogs and Cats
- Study: Denver BSL cost $100M but no benefit
- Sudden Aggression in Dogs is a Symptom of a Thyroid Problem
- Sulala Rescue: A Beacon of Hope for Gaza's Animals Amidst Struggle
- Sweet Mom and Her Pups from South Korea Get Their Christmas Wishes Granted
- Texas Bill to Protect Chained Dogs Finally Becomes a Law
- The California Spay & Neuter License Plate
- The Campaign for Smoke Free Pets
- The Clean Pet Food Revolution Will Change the World
- The dangers of leaving a dog in a locked car
- The Director of Arguably the Worst Pound in the U.S. Has Been Removed
- The Dog I Didn't Want To Care For
- The Killing of Animals at the NYC Pound Violates Animal Rights
- The last three gassing pounds in America
- The perils of plastics extend to our pets
- The Pet Abandonment Epidemic
- The short life and tragic death of Chai
- Therapy Dogs: Love, Laughter, And A Dark Side
- Three million dogs could be slaughtered for Morocco FIFA World Cup bid
- There’s Nothing Foxy About Foxtails
- This "Game" Teaches Children the True Costs of Companion Animal Care
- This Week in Animal Protection, December 19-31, 2021
- Three Options to Adopt a Dog
- Tips to Share Veganuary with Your Dog
- Tragedy in Davenport: When Police Encounters Turn Fatal for Family Pets
- Traps are injuring and killing pets, new data released
- Troy, Missouri, Repealed Pit Bull and Rottweiler Ban
- Unleash Your Dog on National Dog Day (August 26) and Love Them Lavishly
- Using the 'She's a Rescue Dog' Excuse
- Vegan Diets for Domesticated Animals
- Vegan Dog Food Improves Dogs' Health: New 2022 Study
- Vegan Dog Treats Receive $550,000 on 'Shark Tank!'
- Vegan Dogs Are Healthier – New 2022 Study
- Veterinary Forensics Conference Highlights The Link Between Human and Animal Abuse
- War's Invisible Casualties
- What Do Dogs Rescued From Research Laboratories Really Need?
- What to Do With All That 'Doo'?
- What you need to know before adopting a pig into your loving family
- (Wilfull) Ignorance is not bliss
- Who Decides?
- Why horses and dogs have no place in protest policing
- Why is Fido Dead? Prescription Drugs Are Killing Dogs, Too
- Why Myths About Dogs Harm Them and Dog-Human Relationships
- Your Aging Dog

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