Forbes Magazine Acknowledges Climate Healers Position Paper
An Environment Article from

September 2021

Unfortunately, such common sense is not so common when ears are plugged with dollar bills. This is why the Forbes article by Daphne Ewing-Chow is so refreshing. It openly acknowledges the impact of animal agriculture and highlights a petition by the South African non-profit "Animal Agriculture and Climate Change."

Read Forbes article: Influencers Called On To Steer Public Discourse On The Climate Impact Of Animal Agriculture

climate emergency
PETITION: Tell influential environmentalists that Animal Agriculture is the biggest destroyer of our planet!

The connection is self-evident. They tell us that the climate emergency is causing life to die out on this planet, chemical pollution is causing life to die out on this planet, habitat destruction is causing life to die out on this planet. Therefore, we need to act on these environmental causes.

Therefore, you would think that scientists and environmentalists would easily comprehend that directly killing more animals in 4-12 hours than all the humans that ever died in wars throughout human history may also have something to do with life dying out on this planet.

But unfortunately, such common sense is not so common when ears are plugged with dollar bills. This is why the Forbes article by Daphne Ewing-Chow is so refreshing. It openly acknowledges the impact of animal agriculture and highlights a petition by the South African non-profit "Animal Agriculture and Climate Change."

The petition calls "on influential environmental activists to more aggressively use their platforms to draw public attention to the significant impact that the meat industry has had on global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and to support veganism as a solution to saving the planet."

The Forbes Article goes on to point out that a "recent piece by Sailesh Rao, published in Journal of Ecological Society, presents the results of a Global Sensitivity Analysis to support his position that animal agriculture is responsible for 87% of greenhouse gas emissions, pointing to the cumulative impact of deforestation for animal farming and annual methane emissions produced by cattle, which “cause more incremental global warming than the annual CO2 emissions from all fossil fuel sources combined.”

This is progress indeed!

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