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A Mary T. Hoffman Commentary from


"Joyful Curmudgeon" An oxymoron?
No! I see all the beauty of God's creation and I'm joyful.  At the same time, I see all the suffering and corruption going on in the world, and feel called to help expose and end it so that we may have true peace and compassion.


Papayas – 19 November 2006
By Mary T. Hoffman

Papayas If you’ve been reading my Blog, you’ve probably guessed that we are fond of exotic fruits. The papaya is one of them.

We save the seeds (they taste somewhat like black pepper) for use in making salad dressing. The seeds can be stored refrigerated in a small, covered container for a few days.

Today we modified the Papaya Seed Salad Dressing found in the Recipes section of our website. We have not yet published this version there.

Chickpea and Papaya Seed Salad Dressing


1-15 oz can Chickpeas, drained
Seeds from 1 large Papaya, fresh
1 cup Lemon Juice
1 and 1/3 cups Water
1 or 2 Garlic cloves
2 tbsp. Sesame Seeds
2 tbsp. Flaxseeds
2 tsp. Oregano, dried leaves
1/8 tsp. (or to taste) Stevia Extract, dry, white

Preparation: Place all the ingredients in the container of a blender, cover, and run blender at high speed until contents are smooth.

Today we poured some of this dressing on our large, fresh salads made up of the following cut up veggies: romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots, celery, onion, and cabbage.

Note: As I’ve mentioned in a previous Blog, I have fun planting seeds of various fruits in pots to see what (if anything) will come up. (In the case of pineapples, I have planted the tops.) Of course, I keep these “experiments” indoors since we live in a colder climate.


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