The space between us,
Vast, cavernous.
I am not in your space,
Safe as I am in mine.
I do not feel the threat,
Of a ‘commodified’ being.
I am here, safe at the back,
Watching, human, resolute.
The space between us
Prevents my pain.
You, the animal.
The unfeeling, profit machine.
The world of hurt
Inflicted on you and yours.
No body parts will be taken from me.
No butchered and brutal end.
Eyes averted, denial switched on,
Here, I bask in hierarchy.
Animal, anima, animalism,
You belong to us.
We own everything
About you, from birth to death.
I will never walk in your space.
Safe as I am, in mine.
Go on to: This human viral world
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