Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
It is as soft as a gentle breeze.
You do not have to pay any fees.
If you are looking, God will find you.
He will gently embrace you,
There is nothing you have to do.
You will turn from your darkness and walk in God’s light.
You will see the world in clarity. You will be given insight.
It will come from above like a gentle dove.
This is the beauty and softness of God’s Love.
Your heart is aflame; your spirit will soar.
God’s Love is the warmth on a summer’s day.
You feel on your face that divine golden ray.
When you feel the breeze, you know you walk with the divine.
The gentle breeze is but a sign.
© Andrew Pell 02/07/06
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