Roasted Cabbage with Bell's Seasoning

Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe Book

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat

"We are dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegetarian - vegan lifestyle."   "Let no animal die that we may live!"

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Roasted Cabbage with Bell's Seasoning


4-5 lbs. Cabbage
1 lb. Carrots
2 Onions
1-1/2 tbsp. Bell's Seasoning
(To enlarge the photo of the roasted cabbage, click on the photo or link)


This recipe will make 4 large servings as a main meal.  We usually cook the roasted cabbage in a large baking dish in our microwave oven (on high), but it can also be baked in a conventional oven at 350 degrees F.

Begin by washing and cleaning the veggies, and peeling the onions and carrots.

Slice and cut the cabbage into bite-sized pieces and place in the baking dish.  Sprinkle on the Bell's seasoning and mix well.

Cut the carrots into bit-sized pieces and add to the cabbage.

Coarsely dice the onions, add to the cabbage, and mix well.

Cover the baking dish and cook until the veggies are tender, mixing occasionally to ensure that the veggies are uniformly cooked.

Serve and enjoy with a large tossed salad.

Ingredients Information

Cabbage, Green


Onions, Yellow
Bell's Seasoning:
Photo and Description not available.

Utensils and Equipment Information

Dish, Ceramic Baking


Measuring Spoons

Peeler, Vegetable

Spoon, Large Mixing