Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe Book
How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat
"We are dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegetarian -
vegan lifestyle."
"Let no animal die that we may live!"
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Collard Greens, Kale and Beans (Tex-Mex Style)
- Great by itself or in a tortilla -
1 lb. Collard Greens,
chopped, fresh or frozen
1 lb. Kale, chopped, fresh or frozen
2 cups Onions, diced
2 tbsp. Garlic, crushed
3 Chipotle Peppers, dried, finely chopped
1 - 28 oz. can Tomatoes, crushed
1 - 15 oz. can Black Beans, drained
1 - 15 oz. can Kidney Beans, drained
1 - 15 oz. can Pinto Beans, drained
2 tbsp. Cumin, ground
2 tbsp. Chili Powder
1 tbsp. Basil, sweet, dried
Hot Pepper Sauce (optional) to taste
3/4 cup Cornmeal
(To enlarge the photo of the collard greens, kale and
beans, click on the photo or link)
We prepare the collard greens, kale and beans in a large covered microwaveable ceramic baking dish, and cook in our microwave oven. This recipe can also be cooked in a conventional oven at 350 degrees F.
Begin by peeling and dicing the onion and place in the baking dish. Peel and crush the garlic and add to the baking dish. If you like hot and spicy food, add the hot red pepper sauce and mix well. Cover and cook on high heat in the microwave oven until the onions begin to get translucent. Remove from the oven.
While the onions and garlic are cooking, wash and chop the collard greens and kale, if fresh. When the onions are cooked, add the collard greens and kale to the baking dish and cook again until the collard greens and kale wilt. Remove from the oven.
Add all the other ingredients, except the corn meal, and mix well. Place the covered baking dish back into the microwave oven and cook for another 30 minutes, mixing every 10 minutes to ensure uniform cooking. After the 30 minutes, the ingredients should be lightly boiling. If not, continue cooking until they are boiling. Remove from oven.
The ingredients will be quite loose at this time. Sprinkle in 1/4 cup of the corn meal at a time and mix well each time. The ingredients should begin to thicken. Place back into the microwave oven and cook for another 15 minutes, mixing every 5 minutes.
Remove from the oven and serve as is or in a tortilla as pictured to the left.
The above recipe is in keeping with God's creation intent (Genesis 1:29-31): 'Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' (NIV) Let no animal suffer or die that we may live! (d-15)
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