veggies.jpg (8284 bytes)fruitbowl.jpg (12976 bytes)Salad - Broccoli and Other Veggies with Lemon Sauce
Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe Book

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat
"We are dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegetarian - vegan lifestyle."
"Let no animal die that we may live!"

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Salad - Broccoli and Other Veggies with Lemon Sauce


1-1/2 lbs. Broccoli
1/2 lb. Cauliflower
1 Onion, large
2 Carrots
1 tbsp. Oregano
Hot Sauce, to taste
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
2 tsp. Corn Starch
(To enlarge the photo of the
Salad - Broccoli and Other Veggies with Lemon Sauce, click on the photo or link)


We usually prepare this recipe with frozen vegetables in the wintertime, when the fresh vegetables either are not in the best condition or are excessively priced (more than twice the price of frozen).  If using frozen vegetables, we suggest using a one-pound bag of broccoli cuts and a one-pound bag of broccoli-cauliflower mix.

We also suggest that you prepare this recipe at least four hours prior to the time you plan to serve it, in order to allow the veggies to cool and chill.  It may even be prepared the evening before.

Wash, peel, and dice the onion.  Place in a large covered glass or ceramic baking dish.  Wash, peel, and slice the carrots, and add them to the baking dish.  Add the oregano and hot sauce and mix well.  Cover the baking dish and cook in your microwave oven on high until the onions become semi-translucent (about 5 minutes).

If you are using fresh broccoli and cauliflower, wash and cut them into bite-sized pieces.

When the onions are cooked, add the broccoli and cauliflower to the baking dish, mix, and cover and cook until they are hot and beginning to get tender.  Mix after about five minutes to ensure even cooking.

While the veggies are cooking, pour the lemon juice into a heat- treated (e.g. Pyrex) measuring cup.  Add the corn starch and mix well. 

When the veggies are cooked, remove from the microwave oven. Place the cup of freshly mixed lemon juice and corn starch in the oven and heat for about 30 seconds.  This should be like a  thick gel.  Mix again, add to the veggies, and mix in thoroughly to ensure that all the veggies are uniformly coated.  If necessary, reheat the veggies for a couple of minutes.

Remove from the microwave oven and allow to cool.  When cool, place in the refrigerator to chill.

Serve on a bed of shredded romaine or other lettuce, and enjoy!

The above recipe is in keeping with God's creation intent (Genesis 1:29-31):  'Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.  And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so.   God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' (NIV)  Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!  (d-25)

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