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Animal Defenders of Westchester |
Home Page We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts. Animal Defenders of Westchester |
Articles Concern for animals led to a 'compassionate diet' Published in THE JOURNAL NEWS
www.thejournalnews.com , July 25, 2002, 'First Person' column: By Denise Boffi Pinpointing the exact beginning of the journey is difficult. I have many
hazy childhood memories, but perhaps my earliest recollection is bouncing
along happily in my carriage, my mother and grandmother fruitlessly trying
to lull me to sleep because I made them so tired. Suddenly to my surprise
and delight, two dogs poked their shaggy heads over the sides of the
carriage, wet noses sniffing curiously at what was probably a loaded diaper.
No screaming on my part - only a chubby hand reaching out to those two
friendly faces. Throughout the years, there were many situations in which my affinity for
animals shone through. There were the rescued baby birds and calls to the
humane society if I witnessed cruelty or neglect. I have pounded on doors
early in the morning to remind 'forgetful' neighbors of the dog tied to a
back yard tree, and have returned lost dogs to their owners. My zeal to
help led me to twice 'rescue' dogs who happened to be in their own
neighborhoods. But my heart was always in the right place, and I could
never bear to see animals lost, hurt or in need. Interestingly, I never made the connection between my concern for hurt,
abused or lost animals and the food I was eating every day. I remember my
shock when as a child I realized that 'chicken legs' were just that. But it
didn't stop me from continuing to eat them. It seemed so normal. It was
'food,' right? As an adult I received a regular stream of mail from animal rights
groups. I remember opening the envelopes carefully and peeking cautiously at
the contents before I tossed it all into the trash. I felt uneasy seeing
photographs of animals suffering. (God forbid because of anything I was
doing. I was one of the good guys, right?) As the years passed, I continued helping any animal I saw in need. I also
continued to enjoy steaks, barbecued spare ribs and cheeseburgers. But
slowly, things changed. I began to look at those meals a little differently.
Even though I was just peeking at that information from the animal rights
groups, some of it penetrated and gradually changed my perceptions. My
enjoyment of steaks, burgers and chicken wings was interrupted by visions of
the fruitless struggle for life and the bloody horrors of the
slaughterhouse. I could no longer relish any meal that contained the flesh
of any creature that valued his life as much as I valued mine. The world of
veggie alternatives and possibilities for a more compassionate diet began to
dominate my thinking and cooking. The change in diet was only the beginning of a gradual and wondrous
change in values and perceptions. Making the decision not to cause any
living creature to suffer was spurred by a growing reverence for all life.
It was the realization that all the creatures with whom we share the planet
have their won destiny to fulfill and the right to live out their lives free
from human interference and domination. It's a perspective in which
cooperation replaces competition, and respect for all life determines all
choices. Fair Use Notice: This document may contain
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copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational use on
the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for
in section 107 of the US Copyright Law). If you wish to use this copyrighted
material for purposes of your own that go beyond fair use, you must obtain
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