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Mamaroneck Opposes Geesebuster Demonstration in Harbor Island

By Stephani Kim,
April 10, 2013 
Video of the Geesebusters demonstration is contained in the article:

Robert Guadagna, founder of Geesebusters, demonstrated his goose scaring technique in Glen Island Park after Mamaroneck officials said the use of Harbor Island Park for the demo was unauthorized.  Geesebusters' founder Robert Guadagna gave Larchmont Patch a demo of his patented goose scaring tactic at Glen Island Park in New Rochelle on Monday, a home for Canada Geese, seagulls and other birds.
The demo was initially scheduled to take place in Harbor Island Park, but village officials deemed it an unauthorized use of public space.   Kiley Blackman, of Westchester4Geese, notified both village trustees and others of the demonstration that was requested by Patch on Monday, several hours in advance. Upon receipt of the notification, Village Manager Richard Slingerland determined the demo to be "unauthorized" and a potential violation of Code 260-3 which states that commercial enterprises cannot be conducted in village parks without the written approval of the manager. 

Following a series of contentious emails back and forth between Blackman and Slingerland, the village manager wrote: "If you seek to proceed further, you are undermining a set, step-by-step course of action at this time which the village is coordinating with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is to identify nesting areas and beginning an egg oiling program to prevent any goslings from being hatched by resident geese."  If the demonstration took place, he wrote, village police would be notified.

According to the email from the village manager, several officials had already seen a Geesebusters demo and "were not soliciting proposals at this time."

Despite Blackman's argument that the demonstration was for the purpose of being filmed by the media, Slingerland was unmoved.

"Further interference is simply obstruction," he wrote, adding that the village was proceeding with a step-by-step course of action with the USDA as per their contract.

At Monday's Board of Trustees' meeting, Mayor Norm Rosenblum said an amended copy of the contract was not yet available.

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