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'Proficiency' tests for Bow Hunters re Westchester Parks

According to the DEC, a 'citizen's task force' as referred to below, is ' (CTF) is composed of people representing the various public interest groups in a WMU. The groups typically include farmers, foresters, hunters, landowners, conservationists, the tourism industry, and motorists. Task forces are convened to help determine the future deer management direction.'  To my knowledge, the advocacy community is composed of citizens - none of whom were consulted on this issue.  Pls contact the DEC commissioner and politely but emphatically request we be included on the 'task force on white tailed deer.'
cc John Baker, Director, Westchester Cty Parks and Conservation:  [email protected]            
10 Jun 2013
Westchester Deer Bow Hunting Tests Begin June 21
by Nathan Bruttell
Westchester County bow hunters can begin taking proficiency tests for deer hunting this fall on June 21. Bow hunting will return to some county parks this October.  

WESTCHESTER, N.Y. � Some Westchester parks will allow bow hunting for deer this fall, but hunters must pass proficiency tests this summer to qualify for the lottery.

Westchester County recently announced that it would reopen sections of Muscoot Farm and Lasdon Park and Arboretum in Somers, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in Cross River and Mountain Lakes Park in North Salem for bow hunters beginning in October. 

Parks representatives said the program comes in response to the recommendations of the Westchester County Citizen�s Task Force on White-tailed Deer and Forest Regeneration and "recognizing the success of regional municipalities with managing deer density," according to a release.

Westchester County residents may apply for the lottery after passing proficiency tests set for June 21 and 29 and July 14 at Blue Mountain Sportsmen Center in Cortlandt. The lottery that would grant hunting permits is set to be announced following the proficiency tests, Blue Mountain officials said this week. Applications can be found at the Westchester Parks website. 

During the season, Westchester County will permit hunting at Sal J. Prezioso Mountain Lakes Park, Lasdon Park and Arboretum and Muscoot Farm seven days a week from 4:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. with specific dates to be announced in the coming weeks. At Ward Pound Ridge participants must stop actively hunting by 10 a.m. and must be completely signed out by 11 a.m., parks officials said in a press release. 

For more information, residents can visit the Westchester County Parks website or call (914) 864-7326. 

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