Articles and Media CoverageMamaroneck Village 2014 Update on USDA Contract and Our Plan for Managing the Resident Canadian Goose Population
Articles and Media Coverage From Animal Defenders of Westchester (ADOW)

We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.

Mamaroneck Village 2014 Update on USDA Contract and Our Plan for Managing the Resident Canadian Goose Population

From Westchester4Geese:

Continued good news from Mamaroneck!

Just to refresh everyone, Mamaroneck was the scene of a truly herculean effort last year to overturn a signed geese slaughter contract wiht the USDA. They had even purchased a Naturesweep cleaning device - but weren't using it!

The mayor adamantly refused to budge on this - but through all of our combined efforts, we convinced the Board of trustees to overrule him. Mamaroneck now successfully uses the Naturesweep in conjunction with egg oiling. This note was placed on therir webiste and sent out to residents; the word 'non-letha' is used repeatedly.

Congratulations to everyone who helped save Mamaroneck geese!

April 24, 2014

The Village of Mamaroneck has for many years made efforts to address the growth in the resident goose population in our area because the vast amount of fecal waste they produce in our parks and open spaces.

Our efforts have expanded to include the creation of natural areas of tall-grasses and plantings, we have a contract with a company for goose-chasing dog services, and we use whistling rockets and decoys to scare away the geese.

The many soccer and baseball fields at Harbor Island Park used extensively by our residents and visitors are fouled by the many pounds of goose waste produced every day by geese that have located at the Park. The Village for many years has been receiving complaints about the goose waste from our employees and from sports participants who use our playing fields.

All during the summer of 2013, the Village utilized our field-vacuum trailer machine that is designed to vacuum up garbage and debris from the fields, and it has been very effective in removing the goose waste that is on the fields.We will be continuing to use the field-vacuum trailer as part of our regular field maintenance plan for the field-use season in 2014.

With regard to Resident Canadian Goose population control, the Village continued the non-lethal methods of goose population control with the USDA for goose population management, which includes only egg-oiling to control and limit the population of hatchling geese. The Village will continue or policy not to authorize the killing of geese, and will not allow any geese to be killed under our contract with the USDA.

If any resident, private property owner, business or waterfront club would like to participate in the non-lethal goose egg oiling program, please contact the Village and the USDA by sending an e-mail with your contact information to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. The Village will respond with the necessary form for you to authorize the USDA's team to enter your property and use non-toxic vegetable oil to coat the eggs and prevent them from hatching.

Last year our efforts were very successful, and the USDA notified the Village that they located approximately 20 nests, and oiled and prevented approximately 96 goose eggs from hatching in 2013. We hope to be just as effective this year.

Thank you.

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WESTCHESTER4GEESE is an adjunct of ANIMAL DEFENDERS OF WESTCHESTER. We advocate against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation, including hunting, experimentation, fur, circuses and rodeos -