We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.
Letter to the Editor as published on
November 21, 2014
Tuckahoe, N.Y.: I would go one step further than Patrick Blanchfield’s excellent op-ed, “The masculine mistake,” and say that men and women are both being taught to bully the most vulnerable in society — animals, who have no voice whatsoever. It begins in grade school, when children are desensitized and forced to cut up animals — and sometimes actually kill live ones — as a class requirement, or face a failing grade. Children are now encouraged by the state to hunt and kill animals, and cruelty to animals by children is considered merely a “prank,” while those who won’t participate are ridiculed. Coupled with accepted, violent hazing rituals, is it any wonder that animal cruelty is at an all-time high, along with kids committing suicide due to bullying? There’s a simple answer: Teach children to treat all beings with kindness and respect.
Kiley Blackman
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WESTCHESTER4GEESE is an adjunct of ANIMAL DEFENDERS OF WESTCHESTER. We advocate against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation, including hunting, experimentation, fur, circuses and rodeos - https://www.facebook.com/Westchester4Geese